The children, staff and parents had an amazing Coronation tea party. It really showcased the happy Giggles community. Thank you for all the support from parents.
The children had great fun making flags, crowns and playing on the throne being kings and Queens.
The children have also been playing in our Giggles shop, making shopping lists and serving their friends.
This month we have started our homework bags, which many of you have already completed and returned. There will be one more in July before some of the children leave to start school.
Please can I ask that all parents sign and return the permission sheets, which were in the homework bags and return no later than 9th June 2023.
We will then await the staffs training with the local authority before we can continue any further.
If you have not yet placed your child’s name and school on our school transition list, please talk to a member of staff.
We complete a school transition sheet, and this form will passed directly to your child’s school if in the Hounslow Borough. If you are attending a school out of Borough, we will hand this to you directly to share with your school.
School ready: preparing children for school
Being a big girl/boy at Giggles: preparing the children for changes and helping the new children to settle
Guru Arjan martyrdom 16th June
Tanya will be leaving the nursery at the end of June; we would like to wish her lots of luck in her future.
Lorraine Norris will take over as the nursery manager & Director.
We now have two new apprentices Michelle and Hannah who will start soon.
We also have Vandana who is our inclusion support worker.
Please see our designated people list on the front table.
The sun is now starting to shine
Please can you supply your child with a sun hat and sun cream which are both labelled with your child’s name. We require your child to have at least a factor 30 sun cream.
We will keep both in the nursery.
The staff at Giggles are now running active story times with a small group of two children and parents.
The nursery will send out invitations.
This month’s story is: Going on a Bear Hunt
The nursery now has a few story bags to support children to give up their bottle, dummies & nappies. We also have a few bags to support children when joining the nursery and moving onto school. These can be borrowed for 1 night. Please ask one of the staff members who will sign out the bags for you.
Parents evening will be on 12th July 2023
From next week you will be able to book a slot so you can have a one-one conversation with your child’s key worker, and you will be given a report on how well your child is doing and what are their next steps. Your input is always very important to the progress of your child’s development, and we believe that working in partnership with parents is vital to a child’s success.
Due to a change of manager and some prebooked staff holidays we have had to decide to close for two different dates in August 2023.
Please see dates below so you can make alternative arrangements.
Many thanks for taking time the to read our newsletter
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the parents for your support over the past few months with the Tea party, clothes bank & change of timings.
From all the team at Giggles