The children had so much fun making cars, trucks and buses out of large carboard boxes.
The children made car washes and enjoyed playing with large car wheels.
The children have talked a lot about the fun day when parents came into the setting to help them paint the Mona Lisa.
The parent interaction story times have been a great success and the children and parents have become involved.
Please can I ask all parents to sign and return the permission sheets.
Staff training with the local authority will be held on 01.08.2023 during our staff training week.
If you have not yet placed your child’s name and school on our school transition list, please talk to a member of staff.
Languages around the world
School ready: preparing children for school
Being a big girl/boy at Giggles: preparing the children for changes and helping the new children to settle
Lorraine Norris is now the named Nursery Manager & Director from 3rd July 2023
The sun is now starting to shine
Please can you supply your child with a sun hat and sun cream which are both labelled with your child’s name. We require your child to have at least a factor 30 sun cream. We will keep both in the nursery.
The staff at Giggles are now running active story times with a small group of two children and parents.
The nursery will send out invitations
The nursery now has a few story bags to support children to give up their bottle, dummies & nappies. We also have a few bags to support children when joining the nursery and moving onto school. These can be borrowed for 1 night. Please ask one of the staff members who will sign out the bags for you.
Parents evening will be on 12th July 2023
Parents evening is fast approaching
Can you please book a slot.
Parents can have a one-one conversation with your child’s key worker, you will be given a report on how well your child is doing and what is their next steps. Your input is always very important to the progress of your child’s development, and we believe that working in partnership with parents is vital to a child’s success.
Monday 31st July 2023
Only children who are leaving the setting in 2023
Please could you talk to Lorraine or Agnes if you are able to come into the setting to read a simple book to a small group of children in your home language.
We have a development board which we would really love parents to place some ideas of what you would like us to do to support your child’s learning.
Please could you add some ideas onto the board on the blank shapes
We are only looking for clothes for 3–4-year-olds.
If you have any clothes that you no longer need, please could you pass them on to one of the staff
Please take time to look at our SEN inclusion board
If you have any concerns about your child’s development please talk to Lorraine
Many thanks for taking time the to read our newsletter
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the parents for your support over the past few months with the Tea party, clothes bank & change of timings
From all the team at Giggles