Please see the nursery window for photos
During the month of April, we learnt all about our bodies. We had lots of fun drawing around ourselves, doing self-portraits, singing body songs and lots more. We celebrated Eid by making Eid cards, dressing up and dancing.
If you would like your child to have a hot meal at nursery this will be chargeable unless your child claims 2-year funding, however this will be changing in September (more information to follow) Please discuss this matter with Tanya or Lorraine. All our meals are nutritious and healthy. Nikki takes great pride in providing hot delicious meals daily with fresh ingredients.
I would like to remind parents the nursery is a
NUT FREE environment and we expect parents not to put nuts or nut products in packed lunches please. We also require all options to be healthy on nutritious, no chocolate please.
Please ensure you have informed the nursery if your child has any existing or new food allergies.
Kings Coronation Tea Party
If your family are celebrating any other festivals in the month please notify the nursery staff.
This month we will be learning about the name of our King, dressing up as a king and queen, flag and bunting making. making crowns and lots more.
Thank you to those parents who have already donated their no longer needed clothes. We are setting up a clothes bank for families who might benefit from this. If you have a good quality, clean clothes which your child has grown out of and you no longer need. please hand it into one of the staff members.
We will hold a clothes bank at the end of each month if we have enough.
Many thanks in advance
These hours have now changed and working really well.
Morning sessions have now changed to 9am-12.50pm
Afternoon sessions- 1.05pm-4.55pm
Can I please remind parents that you are expected to attend the full hours and arrive at the nursery on time. The nursery will offer a 10-minute window at the end of each session to allow parents who are running slightly late due to an emergency when collecting their child from nursery. If parents are going to be late when dropping , please telephone and we will ensure a staff member is available to greet you.
Please ensure your child brings 1 piece of fresh fruit to the nursery per day. This promotes healthy eating, oral health and sharing with their friends. There will be a bowl outside for you to put your daily piece of fruit in to.
The nursery will be closed from 21st August – 1st September 2023. The nursery will re-open on the 4th September as usual
This month there are three bank holidays which we are closed for, Monday 1st, Monday 8th May & Monday 29th May 2023.
Please talk to one of the staff members if you would like to borrow one of our story bags to help with speech and language, potty training, brushing their teeth, starting nursery, starting school and using a cup, stopping the bottle. We are also happy to help with any other difficulties you maybe facing.
Starting this month we are sending home a paper bag with your child, it will have a teeth cleaning permission form and a homework sheet for you to support your child at home with. Please could you all help to complete the home work and return it to the nursery by the end of may. Also could you please complete the teeth cleaning permission form and return this by the 19th May 2023 or your child will not be able to take part in this important programme.
We will be providing a treat every now and again for our lovely parents. We will have a coffee dispenser at the front door, which you are welcome to help yourself.
Many thanks for taking time the to read our newsletter
From all the team at Giggles