At present the nursery is open 51 weeks per year, from September 2024 the nursery is changing to operating over 47 weeks per year. The nursery will close for 1 week at Christmas, 2 weeks at Easter & 2 weeks in August each year. The Funding will be spread over 47 weeks instead of 51 weeks per year which will result in slightly extra time per day. More information will follow shortly.
Nursery Closure in August 2024
The Nursery will close from 12th -26th August returning back on the 27th August 2024
Some additional funding hours may be offered due to the two-week closure (26th August is a bank Holiday)
Nursery closure for 2nd May 2024
The nursery will be closed for the Mayor of London elections as the building is used as a polling station.
Nursery closure for Bank Holidays for Summer term
Monday 6th May -Early May Bank Holiday
Monday 27th May -Spring bank Holiday
Monday 26th August – Summer Bank Holiday
News letters will now be termly instead of monthly.
This allows us to spend more time with the children and supporting their learning in different ways.
Any additional information will be passed to you via the outside notice board.
Enjoy a coffee and learn about how you can support your child in the 7 areas of learning talk by Lorraine Norris
Personal, social and Emotional development
Speech and language development
Physical development
Mathematical, Literacy, understanding the world and creative development
Will include the following:
Fairy Tales, Emergency Services, Physical Development, Independence skills
Paul Klee
Please can you ensure your child brings 1 piece of fresh fruit into the nursery daily. This needs to be placed into a bowl at the front desk and not in your child’s bag thank you.
Please take time to read our nursery sickness policy which is located in the parents’ policy and procedures file at the front desk and available at all times.
Children are not allowed to come into nursery if they have a temperature or if they have required any medication which contains paracetamol.
Children must to be fit and well to attend Nursery.
Please can I remind all parents that they need to collect their children on time from Nursery.
Please can I ask that all parents & visitors to ensure they talk politely to staff at all times. We are always here to help.
There is a £10 charge every 15 minutes for late collection
Nursery Fees & Meal Money need to be paid on or before the 1st of each month.
Please can you ensure all the nursery fees are paid in cash or Via bank transfer. There is a further £10 per day extra charge if these are delayed.
If you pay by bank transfer please could you send a photo shot to the email so these can be recorded as paid.
Update any changes to your child’s registration form:
New telephone number
Change of address
Emergency contacts
Friends who can collect
Change of password
Dietary needs
Change of Doctor
Register with a dentist
This was such a success in February so we would like to arrange another week so parents can enjoy coming into the setting to play with their own child alongside their friends.
Please can I make all parents aware that staff are in ratio with the other children during these visits so will be unable to spend long periods of time talking about your child. If you would like to discuss anything please arrange a separate date and time to visit.
On the week of 20th-23th May 2024 we are offering a stay and play week.
Parents are welcome to join their child in the nursery to play Monday-Thursday
Morning children: 12.20-12.50pm
Afternoon children: 4.15- 4.45pm
At Giggles Day Nursery we promote Healthy Eating so we do not allow Birthday cakes or sweets.
If your child is celebrating their Birthday and you would like to bring something into the nursery, we encourage fresh fruit or a new book that we can read to the children at story time or play dough which the children really enjoy playing with.
Michelle has now left so she can spend more time supporting her family.
Emma who is a level 3 practitioner has now joined the team and works two days per week from 8am – 3pm Thursday and Fridays.
We are sending out Spring term questionnaires so you can share any thoughts, concerns or ideas.
I read all the questionnaires and try my best to address all the suggestions if possible inline with the requirements.
Thank you in advance for your time.
Please share how your child is doing with potty training at home, we would like to ensure that we are supporting your child whilst they are at nursery.
Children will need to be fully toilet trained before starting school.
Please ensure you inform us vis email or in writing when you have confirmation that your child has been granted a place in school reception class or school nursery and will be leaving Giggles Day Nursery.
We would require the name of the school and for you to give written permission for us to complete a transition form to share with your child’s new school.
Please state if your child is joining reception class or Nursery class.
If you fail to inform the nursery transition paperwork will not be completed on time and shared with the school before your child starts.
Shares information about your child with their new school or new setting.
This will have information about the following:
Levels of learning
Next steps
Areas of support required
Educational needs
Thank you for reading the newsletter and your continuous support
Kind regards,
Giggles Day Nursery Team