From September 2024 the nursery has now changed to operating over 47 weeks per year. The nursery will close for 1 weeks at Christmas, 2 weeks at Easter & 2 weeks in August each year.
The Funding will be spread over 47 weeks instead
Funding hours are offered from
8.45am-12.50pm morning sessions
12.55pm – 5.00pm afternoon sessions
Children are required to arrive on time for their session, or this may result in them waiting for long periods of time to be allowed into the nursery or missing the session all together.
(This is due to staff looking after the children in the room and staff -child interactions & ratios being supported)
If you are running late, please telephone the setting to notify them.
Nursery closure for Bank Holidays for Autumn term
25th December, Wednesday: Christmas Day
26th December, Thursday: Boxing Day
Christmas closure 25th – 1st January (re-open on Thursday 2nd January)
Please remember to supply your child with the following items
Not allowed
Lean the pants Rules for staying safe
9.15am 12th November 2024
Will include the following
Please provide 1 piece of fresh fruit per day and place it in the bowl outside the main door.
This will then be shared with the children at snack time.
Please ensure you telephone the nursery daily if your child is not attending the nursery.
If you are going away on holiday, please ensure you have notified the nursery in writing before you travel, including the dates you will be away and where you are travelling too.
If you fail to do comply to this, it may result in you loosing your funding place at the nursery.
Giggles Day Nursery promotes a safe, warm and welcoming environment for everybody.
Please ensure that all parents, staff, children and visitors promote this requirement.
Aggressive or threatening behaviour will not be tolerated at any time or under any circumstances.
Thank you for your support and understanding
Would you like to come in to read a story or share a skill?
Please talk to Lorraine or Agnes and they would be happy to arrange a date in the diary.
Please can I remind all parents that they need to collect their children on time from Nursery.
Please can I ask that all parents & visitors to ensure they talk politely to staff at all times. We are always here to help.
There is a £10 charge every 15 minutes for late collection
Please take time to read our nursery sickness policy which is located in the parents’ policy and procedures file at the front desk and available at all times
Children are not allowed to come into nursery if they have a temperature or if they have required any medication which contains paracetamol (Calpol)
If they have required Calpol or any other medicines which contain paracetamol they are not allowed to attend nursery for 48 hours
Children must to be fit and well to attend Nursery.
Nursery Fees & Meal Money need to be paid on or before the 1st of each month.
Please pay by bank transfer
Acc: 00861146
Sort code: 20-72-33
Please can you ensure all the nursery fees are paid by bank transfer.
We no longer accept cash payments
There is a further £10 per day extra charge if fees are not paid on time.
Please could you send a photo shot to the email so these can be recorded as paid.
Update any changes to your child’s registration form:
If any of the following information changes please can you ensure that you inform the nursery in writing
There is a trolley at the front door with a variety of children’s books. Please borrow a book and take it home to share with your child.
Please ensure you return the book after so others can also enjoy this service
Giggles Day Nursery would like to welcome two new staff members
Ishmeen – Nursery apprentice
Ishmeen works afternoons and started on Monday 16th September
Samreen – newly qualified Level 6 qualified practitioner
Samreen will start at the nursery sometime in September 2024
At Giggles Day Nursery we promote Healthy Eating so we do not allow Birthday cakes or sweets.
If your child is celebrating their Birthday and you would like to bring something into the nursery, we encourage fresh fruit or a new book that we can read to the children at story time or play dough which the children really enjoy playing with.
The nursery provides lovely freshly cooked vegetarian hot meals at lunch times or a cold option at tea time, which are all prepared daily on the premises by Nicola our nursery cook. Nicola is passionate about providing healthy meals which the children enjoy. The children love to eat the same meals as their friends. They learn how to use a knife and fork, make choices and serve themselves with adult support and encouragement.
If you decide that you would like your child to eat the nursery food there is a contribution of £2.50 per day cost. Please ensure you speak to one of the staff who will discuss when this option can be offered.
Please share how your child is doing with potty training at home, we would like to ensure that we are supporting your child whilst they are at nursery.
Children will need to be fully toilet trained before starting school
Thank you for reading the newsletter and your continuous support
Kind regards,
Giggles Day Nursery Team