The children have had so much fun talking different languages, the staff have read stories in Polish & Hindu. The children have listened to French and Indian music. Parents have supported the nursery by writing key words in their home languages, which are displayed around the nursery rooms.
The parent interaction story times will continue during August 2023
Please can I ask all parents to sign and return the permission sheets.
Staff training has been completed on Tuesday 01/08/2023.
Dry teeth cleaning will start the week of the 18th of September 2023. All equipment is provided for your child.
We would like to thank all the families who managed to attend the Graduation party on Monday 31st July
The children received a certificate and graduation hat.
Living things
School ready: preparing children for school.
New starters
Being a big girl/boy at Giggles: preparing the children for changes and helping the new children to settle
Lorraine Norris is now the named nursery manager & Director from 3rd July 2023
We also have a new part time manager starting in September 2023 called Trupti, she will work alongside Lorraine.
The sun is now starting to shine
Please can you supply your child with a sun hat and sun cream which are both labelled with your child’s name. We require your child to have at least a factor 30 sun cream. We will keep both in the nursery.
Thank you for all the parents who attended the parents evening on Monday 31st July and Tuesday 1st August. It was lovely for the staff to share their knowledge of your children’s amazing development and for you to share such valuable information with us.
The nursery now has a few story bags to support children to give up their bottle, dummies & nappies. We also have a few bags to support children when joining the nursery and moving onto school. These can be borrowed for 1 night. Please ask one of the staff members who will sign out the bags for you.
Due to a change of manager and some prebooked staff holidays we have had to decide to close for two different dates in August 2023
Please see dates below so you can make alternative arrangements. 21st August – 4th September
We would like to start to welcome the new children and their families who will start to settle in the nursery from the week of the 7th August 2023. I am sure you will all make them feel welcome and support them during this time.
Please could you talk to Lorraine or Agnes if you are able to come into the setting to read a simple book or sing a song to a small group of children in your home language.
We have a development board which we would really love parents to place some ideas of what you would like us to do to support your child’s learning.
Please could you add some ideas onto the board on the blank shapes.
We are only looking for clothes for 3–4-year-olds
If you have any clothes that you no longer need, please could you pass them on to one of the staff.
Please take time to look at our Sen inclusion board
If you have any concerns about your child’s development please talk to Lorraine
Please can I request that all parents take time to read the newsletters and additional letters which are advertised on the nursery window this information is sometimes very important to the smooth running of the nursery.
Many thanks for taking time the to read our newsletter
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the parents for your support over the past few months. We will miss all the children who are starting school and wish them all the best of luck for their future.
From all the team at Giggles