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March Newsletter 2022

Giggles Day Nursery • March 14, 2022

March Newsletter 2022

Topic of the Month

Animals, Pets, Habits

If you have any pets at home, could you please take a photo and email it to the nursery. We will then print it and display it in the children’s room.

Covid-19 protective measures still in place: 

Now restrictions are over, and life is starting to return to normal we have adjusted our protective measures. However, we still believe that some measures are still advisable so we can continue to protect the children and staff at Giggles.

Please see listed below the protective measures that remain in place:

  • Children not to be brought into nursery if unwell
  • If your child develops covid-19 we request that you keep your child at home for 5 days. This will help protect other children and their families, as well as our nursery workforce, which will help to keep the nursery open so we can deliver the education to all children.
  • Children’s temperatures will continue to be checked on arrival
  • The nursery will continue to carry out deep cleans of the building and equipment.
  • If parents have access into the setting, we request that they wear a face mask unless they have a medical condition or are pregnant. 

Health and Safety in the Car Park

We requested a few weeks ago that all buggies are taken home with you after dropping your child at nursery. We have still seen buggies being left by St Marks gates, which remains a hazard in case St Marks need emergency access through these gates. Please can we ask all parents to work with us to keep children safe by taking your buggies home. We appreciate your support in this matter.

I have also noticed that when children are collected from nursery they run around outside when parents are talking to staff. The carpark is used by other people who may not be aware that children are leaving the nursery. So please can we ask that you keep your child close to you or ask to come inside to talk to staff with your child. 

Building Works / No Meals Provided By the Nursery from 4th April – 29th April 

On the 4th April 2022 the nursery will be having some building works done within the building, this will continue for 3-4 weeks. The church is providing a new fitted kitchen and repairing some areas such as floors and bathrooms. We will be unable to provide meals for the children during this time as we have no access to the kitchen. The nursery will continue to operate but will need to make some changes to enable this work to happen These are as follows:

  • Parents to provide a healthy packed lunch / tea- the nursery will continue to provide cereal for breakfast, fruit and water and milk to drink
  • The children will use a side door by the church when children are exiting and entering the building. This will be sign posted and Giggles Staff will support all families when these changes are in place. The main entrance to the building will be off limits and only used by the builders.
  • We appreciate your support in this matter.

Parents Evenings and Feedback Sheets

Thank you to all the parents who have made time to have a review of your child’s learning journey and share ideas and suggestions, which are always very informative and help us support your child.

If you have not had an opportunity or been asked by a staff member, please could I request you do this by Friday 11th March.

Please could I also request that you complete the parent feedback sheet as this helps us to review our service which we provide to you and your children. 

Parents Open Day Week- 28th March 2022 

Due to covid-19 we feel that we have been unable to welcome parents into the nursery, as we would have liked. We would like to offer you all an opportunity to come into the setting to see your child within the environment and see them with their friends. You will have the opportunity to play with them and see their artwork and talk to staff whilst in the room.

we will provide a booking form so you can book a suitable time in advance for yourselves. It would be good to see as many parents as possible, as this will make your child feel special and included.

Message from The Giggles Team 

Many thanks for taking time the to read this information

From all the team at Giggles

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