Growing plants
The children have already been busy growing cress seeds, which they will bring home this week. Please water them and watch them grow.
If you have any spare outdoor plants or watering cans, they would be really welcomed to support children’s learning.
Now restrictions are over, and life is starting to return to normal we have adjusted our protective measures. However, we still believe that some measures are still advisable so we can continue to protect the children and staff at Giggles.
Please see listed below the protective measures that remain in place:
Change to entrance and exit
Please ensure you use the new entrance when dropping off and collecting your child from Monday 4th April. The entrance is located in the fenced area on the left as you entre the car park. There will be signs to direct you.
No meals available whilst building work are in progress
Packed lunch/tea is required for your child for the month of April, whilst the new kitchen is being fitted.
1 piece of fruit per day
On your agreement form we requested that each child provided 1 piece of fresh fruit per day. We are providing a bowl outside the nursery door, please place your piece of fruit into the bowl each day.
Please can I ask you to inform the nursery as soon as possible if you intend to move onto school this September 2022. We require the name of the school that your child will be going to and the date (if known) In many cases children do not start school straight away on the 1st September, you can stay at Giggles right up to your child’s first day at school. If you are entitled to 30hrs free funding you can attend ½ day at school and ½ day at Nursery. Please talk to one of the managers, who can give you more information if required.
If you would like to come into the nursery to share any of your interests or specialities such as reading a story in your home language, gardening, cooking etc please talk to one of the management team.
We are pleased to welcome Agnes. She works from 8am-2pm daily. We are also really sad to inform you that Amita has decided to move on. She has accepted a new position within a school. We wish her lots of success and she will be dearly missed.
It has been so nice to see parents in the nursery and I know that the children have loved seeing you. Please can I ask all parents if they could complete the parents questionnaire and return it to the setting as soon as possible.
The nursery is in the process of joining a supervised tooth brushing programme within the nursery. Over the next few weeks, we will ask all parents to complete a permission form so that your child can take part in this really special and healthy activity within their nursery day.
Many thanks for taking time the to read this information
From all the team at Giggles