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June Newsletter 2020

Giggles Day Nursery • June 22, 2020

Welcome Back To All The Children Who Have Returned This Month

The children that are staying at home are still a member of the nursery and are welcome to return when they feel that the time is right.

When you are ready to return please contact the nursery and the manager will discuss a start date. Please allow at least one week so staff can be arranged. A staff member will chat with you about your child’s progress during their time at home. 

Health, Self-Care & School Ready 

Our topic this month will include effective hand washing skills, blowing our nose with a tissue, disposing of the tissues safely. oral health, cleaning our teeth etc

The children will do lots of fun activities which will support them starting school:
  • Recognising their own name 
  • Self-dressing 
  • Independence skills 
  • Self-confidence – asking for help 
  • Holding a pencil – pincer grip 

One Piece of Fruit Each Day 

Please can I remind all parents to provide one piece of fresh fruit per day in your child’s lunch box. At snack time your child will eat their own piece of fruit. The staff will help them to prepare their fruit and this will be served on their own plate. 

Protective Measures and Nursery Risk Assessment 

Please find documents on the website which clearly explains all Giggles nursery protective measures and a detailed risk assessment to support the re-opening of the nursery. 


Please do not bring your child to nursery if they are unwell or have needed to be given Calpol. 

Home Learning Websites 

Tax Free Childcare 

If you are working, there is a possibility for you to claim Tax free childcare. Please take time to look on the Government website for more information.  


If you pay towards your child’s nursery fees and your intention is not to return by the 1st July , to ensure the nursery stays viable you will need to cover the cost of your nursery fees to secure your child’s place at the nursery for when you are ready to return, unless you are classed as an extremely vulnerable family and have received a letter from the government informing you to self-isolate. Charges would then start from the date at the end of your period of isolation. Please ensure you keep this letter to provide proof for the nursery so fees can be adjusted accordingly. Thank you. 

What To Bring

Please can you ensure you provide
  • A healthy cold packed lunch (this does not need to be vegetarian) 
  • Please also provide a sun hat and sun cream factor 30 or above. 

Parents Notice Board  

The parents notice board, Senco information board, children centre, and nursery information board is displayed in the hallway, on the large boards. This will have lots of up-to-date information for you to read and if you have any further questions please feel free to ask one of the nursery staff.  

Nursery Policies and Procedures Parents Copy 

If you have not read nursery policies and procedures, please could I request that you take time to look at the parents copy which is displayed on the parents table just inside the nursery doors. These will give all parents a good understanding of our actions/ questions with certain subjects, such as sickness, dietary needs, late pickups etc. If you have any question, please talk to one of the management team.   

Signing In/Out Your Child 

Staff will complete the signing in and out of daily registers 

Buggies and Scooters

Please can you take home all buggies, bikes or scooters or they can be left outside the building, but this would be at your own risk. 
Many thanks for your support in this matter 

Illnesses and Temperatures   

Can I kindly remind all families that if a child requires Calpol due to a temperature or feeling unwell they should not be sent to nursery. It is the nurseries policy that if a child’s temperature is 37.7 degrees centigrade or higher, they cannot attend the nursery. They need to be clear of a temperature for 24hrs before returning. If under 2 years and have started a new antibiotic your child needs to stay at home for the first 48hrs of starting the medicine. All policies are on the front table for you to read if required. This will help to stop viruses and illness from spreading between children and reduce the time that they miss attending the nursery. Thank you in advance for your support in this matter.

We have recently also been advised by the Department of Health and our local Early Years team to request that parents keep their children at home for 48hrs after suffering from a temperature of being unwell as this is causing flu viruses to spread rapidly around children’s settings. 
Please see Covid-19 guidelines on the Government website 

Staff Changes

Sadly, due to the pandemic the nursery finds itself in a situation where we have had to say goodbye to a few amazing staff members who will be missed by the staff team, children, and their families. This is due to lower numbers of children who are requiring childcare at the moment. I would like to thank them for their support, understanding and hard work whilst working for giggles and hope the situation changes in the near future.

Isleworth – Emma & Nabeela 
Hounslow- Amita, Anisa & krzy  

Goodbye and thank you xxx

Other Polite Reminders  

  • Please inform the nursery of any change of address, telephone number, email address, so we can update these details in your child’s personal profile. 
  • Please inform the nursery by telephone if your child is absent on the day.  
  • Can I ask that you hold your child’s hand when leaving the nursery as the car park is a risk to the children.  
  • Can you provide your child with a pair of slippers/ soft shoes and wellington boots please. 
  • Can I remind all parents with children in nappies could you provide wet wipes and cream as well as nappies please     
  • Can I ask all parents to follow all up to date nursery guidelines to support the government documents regarding COVID-19
  • Share any concerns, ideas or suggestions to the nursery staff or email the setting as soon as possible  
Thank you for your support, please do not hesitate to contact me or any member of our team with any requests or queries. We are always happy to help you.
Best wishes Lorraine Norris and the Giggles Team
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