Many more children have now returned to nursery after the long break away, due to Covid-19.
We would also like to welcome the new children who have also joined over the past few weeks.
The children that are staying at home are still members of the nursery and are welcome to return when they feel that the time is right.
When you are ready to return please contact the nursery and the manager will discuss a start date. Please allow at least one week so staff can be arranged. A staff member will chat with you about your child’s progress during their time at home and we will require you to complete an All about me form and a form to support updated contact details.
You can stay at the nursery up until your first day at school in September 2020
Parents reports: If your child is attending the setting
Before the end of August, you will receive a copy of your child’s nursery report and the staff will arrange a telephone chat to discuss your child’s progress and to share parents’ knowledge and ideas.
If you can, it would be lovely if you could email the setting or talk to the staff about any new skills that your child has developed whilst at home or any concerns you may have.
Emotions - Staying emotionally connected
Transition to school & becoming an older child at nursery.
Puppets, dressing up, developing independence skills, box full of feelings, bubble play, hug buttons & Emotion dolls .
Photo of parent / family
Please can you provide a few photos of you and your immediate family. We are in the process of enhancing our family board and would like every child to have a family photo. It can be distressing to the children if they do not have one. You can email the photo if unable to print it yourself.
I intend to upload monthly videos onto the website, which will include tours of the nursery rooms, meet the giggles team, reading stories and other fun activities and ideas.
Key workers systems are on hold
Due to some staff changes, temporary changes of staff hours and the government guidelines. The nursery team have all been supporting all children’s learning & development and continuing to support individual needs, by observing, planning, and assessing their development.
You will be informed over the next few months who your child’s key worker is when things are more settled and normal routines can be carried out.
Transition to school paperwork deadline has now passed
If you have not yet informed the nursery that your child is starting school in September, could I please request that you share this information as soon as possible. You will be required to collect the relevant forms and deliver them yourself to the school that your child will be attending.
If you have not yet returned to nursery
You will still be contacted by a member of the team in the next few months and will complete a more about me document and discuss your child’s progress whilst they are at home. We are sure you are doing lots of fun and educational activities with your child. The nursery are uploading ideas and suggestions for you to do at home on a monthly basis, but if you require some individual support please contact on the team.
We continue to reflect on our practice and the support our children and their family’s requirements within the settings. Please see a list of changes or adjustments we will be implementing.
Hug buttons
Staff daily attendance board
Telephone consultations
Parents notice board outside
Monthly videos
Family photo board
Home activity ideas
Reading books – recommendation: Great big book of feelings
Making home videos
Talking on the telephone
Messy play: play dough, water, sand, soapy water & Shaving foam
Due to Covid-19 the children do not get an opportunity to play with messy play in the setting.
Please provide your child with 1 piece of fresh fruit for snack time each day.
Please do not put any items in, which have nuts or fizzy drinks.
If your child is unwell
If your child develops a temperature of 37.6 or above you need to keep your child at home and the governments advice is to book a Covid-19 test. You will be required to stay at home until you either you receive a negative Covid-19 result which you will be required for evidence or you will need to stay at home for 7 days and be cleared of any symptoms before returning to nursery.
Thank you for all your continued support in this matter
Staff training carried out recently
Infection control
Through the eyes of a child- emotional support
Safeguarding online training
Other polite reminders
Please inform the nursery of any change of address, telephone number, email address, so we can update these details in your child's personal profile.
Please inform the nursery by telephone if your child is absent on the day.
Can I ask that you hold your child's hand when leaving the nursery as the carpark is a risk to the children.
Can you provide your child with a pair of slippers/ soft shoes and wellington boots please.
Can I remind all parents with children in nappies could you provide wet wipes and cream as well as nappies please.
Can I ask all parents to follow all up to date nursery guidelines to support the government documents to support Covid-19.
Share any concerns, ideas or suggestions to the nursery staff or email the setting as soon as possible.
Thank you for your support, please do not hesitate to contact me or any member of our team with any requests or queries. We are always happy to help you.