The government & local authority have now informed us that from the 1st September 2020 all children who are in receipt of the free funding need to return. If you are choosing to still keep your child at home, you will need to relinquish your place at the nursery. When you wish to return you can re-apply, but we cannot guarantee the place at Giggles Day Nursery will be available.
If your child has any changes to their dietary needs, please inform the nursery staff immediately.
Please remember to supply 1 piece of fresh fruit per day.
Photo of parent / family
Please can you provide a few photos of you and your immediate family. We are in the process of enhancing our family board and would like every child to have a family photo. It can be distressing to the children if they do not have one. You can email the photo if unable to print it yourself.
EEE (3&4-year funding) & 30hrs funding extra charge towards the costs of meals will start from October 2020.
Please can I request that you complete the questionnaire and return it to the nursery as soon as possible. If you are not happy to contribute towards the cost of your child’s meals at the nursery, you will need to continue to provide a healthy packed lunch. This packed lunch will need to be a cold dinner and not anything that needs to be reheated please.
New toys purchased with the EYPP money
We were lucky to have a sum of £652.00 from the local government, to spend on the children’s equipment this term.
We spend the money on the following equipment after evaluating the children’s needs, interests, and next steps:
Display boards
Basketball net
Egg timer
Electronic timer
Concerns, ideas or complaints
If you have any concerns, ideas or complaints please contact me via email, telephone, or ask to talk to me.
Please contact your employer if you believe you are eligible for Tax free childcare.
Change to isolation period
Please ensure that you keep your child at home for 10 days if they develop any of the symptoms of covid-19.
We would recommend that you get a test for Covid-19. If this test is negative then the child can return to the nursery, as long as they are well and clear of a temperature for 48hrs.
Please ensure you isolate for 14 days if a family member or anybody in your household has a confirmed case or advised to self-isolate.
Change to isolation period
Please ensure that you keep your child at home for 10 days if they develop any of the symptoms of covid-19.
We would recommend that you get a test for Covid-19. If this test is negative then the child can return to the nursery, as long as they are well and clear of a temperature for 48hrs.
Please ensure you isolate for 14 days if a family member or anybody in your household has a confirmed case or advised to self-isolate.
If your child develops a temperature of 37.6 or above, you need to keep your child at home and the governments advice is to book a Covid-19 test. You will be required to stay at home until you either you receive a negative Covid-19 result which you will be required for evidence or you will need to stay at home for 10 days and be cleared of any symptoms before returning to nursery.
Thank you for all your continued support in this matter
Please can we request that you consider healthy options for your child’s lunch boxes. Sandwiches, crackers, Cheese, fruit, chicken, raisins, natural yogurts & carrots.
Please provide your child with 1 piece of fresh fruit
for snack time each day.
Please do not put any items in, which have nuts or fizzy drinks.
Keep protected from the sun
Buggies and scooters
Please can you take home all buggies, bikes or scooters or they can be left outside the building, but this would be at your own risk. Many thanks for your support in this matter.
Other polite reminders
Please inform the nursery of any change of address, telephone number, email address, so we can update these details in your child’s personal profile.
Please inform the nursery by telephone if your child is absent on the day.
Can I ask that you hold your child’s hand when leaving the nursery as the carpark is a risk to the children.
Can you provide your child with a pair of slippers/ soft shoes and wellington boots please.
Lastly can I remind all parents with children in nappies could you provide wet wipes and cream as well as nappies please
Can I ask all parents to follow all up to date nursery guidelines to support the government documents to support covid-19
Share any concerns, ideas or suggestions to the nursery staff or email the setting as soon as possible
Thank you for your support, please do not hesitate to contact me or any member of our team with any requests or queries. We are always happy to help you.
Best wishes Lorraine Norris and the Giggles Team
Goodbye and good luck to any children leaving us this month to start school. Come back and visit.
Many thanks for your time in reading this newsletter.