Now restrictions are over, and life is starting to return to normal we have adjusted our protective measures. However, we still believe that some measures are still advisable so we can continue to protect the children and staff at Giggles. Measure in place
We are pleased to confirm that we have now returned to cooked meals if requested. These meals are chargeable unless your child claims 2-year funding. Please discuss this matter with Tanya. All our meals are nutritious and healthy. Nikki takes great pride in providing hot delicious meals daily with fresh ingredients.
Please ensure you have informed the nursery if your child has any existing or new food allergies.
We would like to welcome all our new families who have started with us recently. We are looking forward to working with you closely during your children’s nursery journey.
Changes in the world around us – looking at weather changes, autumn colours and what changes outside.
We will also be talking about Black History Month, celebrating Diwali and Halloween.
If you would like to come into the nursery to share any of your interests or specialities such as reading a story in your home language, gardening, cooking etc please talk to one of the management team.
As some of you may know already, sadly Shabana has left Giggles , to a new position and wish her the very best.
Please ensure your child brings 1 piece of fresh fruit to the nursery per day. This promotes healthy eating, oral health and sharing with their friends. Thank you
If you are claiming 15hrs funding and working, you may be entitled to 30hrs free funding. Please ask Tanya for further details.
We would like to remind all parents that if your child requires Calpol (Paracetamol) for any reason, they will be unable to attend nursery for 48hours. Children must be clear from medications containing paracetamol for 48hrs before returning.
We also ask parents to inform us if their child will not be attending via telephone or email.
Many thanks for taking time the to read this information
From all the team at Giggles