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June Newsletter 2021

Giggles Day Nursery • May 28, 2021

June Newsletter 2021

New Drop Box  A huge thank you for all Parent/Carers

Dates for the Parent/carers:
12th June: Queens Birthday  

Reminder when picking up and dropping off at Nursery

  • Do not come if unwell
  • Do not come if isolating 
  • Please wear a face mask
  • Social distance at the nursery door
  • Social distance from other parents
  • Please don’t be close to each other when using the park area
  • Only one adult to pick up your child  
  • Please use the Drop box when leaving or picking up things for your child.

Pick up by 12.50pm and drop off after 1.05pm

New Drop Box 

When leaving anything for your child, such as: nappies, spare clothes, food.

Please place the items in the drop box or give them to your child to bring into the setting. Please do not hand them directly to the staff members. Staff will also do the same if they have anything which they need to hand over to you when collecting your child. This helps to support social distancing and keeping everybody safe.

Thank you for your support!

Topic of the month 

Healthy Eating


Celebration Queen’s Birthday

Celebration Father’s Day

School ready

Story Focus : The very Hungry Caterpillar

Development: Imaginations/Healthy Eating


Is your child registered with a Dentist?

It is really important that you register your child with a dentist from as early as possible. During these present times, dentists are offering limited appointments.

However, you can support your child by encouraging and supporting them to clean their teeth properly. Also consider how much sugar is in the foods and drinks that you are feeding your child.

If you need any help or support, please talk to one of our team.

We have teeth cleaning reward charts and lots of resources which we can share with your child at nursery or lend if required.

Registrations are open for September 2021

We have places available for children aged between 3 months and 5 years.

Availability: 2, 3 years old funded places.

Please could you inform your friends and family! We will offer to your child, free half a session: one child signup. 

Paying towards the cost of meals 

EEE (3&4-year funding) & 30hrs funding extra charge towards the costs of meals will start from October 2020. Please can I request that you complete the questionnaire and return it to the nursery as soon as possible. If you are not happy to contribute towards the cost of your child’s meals at the nursery, you will need to provide a healthy packed lunch. This packed lunch will need to be a cold dinner and not anything that needs to be reheated please.

New EYFS September 2021 

The staff at Giggles Day Nursery works hard and are passionate about supporting children’s learning and monitoring their development accurately. A large part of this success is when parents are working in partnership with us, by sharing what your child is learning at home and things you notice they are finding difficult.

Please just send us a email or just talk to one of our friendly team.

Contact us if you have any concerns, ideas or complaints

If you have any concerns, ideas or complaints please contact me via email, telephone, or ask to talk to me /


0208 577 1815 / 0208 758 0355

Tax free childcare 

Please contact your employer if you believe you are eligible for Tax free childcare

Outside / Free flow play

As the weather is now a lot more stable. I am introducing free flow play times, within the nursery day. This is when the children will be able to choose if they want to play outside or inside. Staff will be placed in different areas, so children will always be supervised.

Fresh air is extremely important to our health and wellbeing we will encourage children to spend as much time as possible outside the nursery building.


Recently the local authority has donated a few, fun outside learning resources. Giggles has also purchased a new gazebo and the extra EYPP money has made it possible to purchase some other outside equipment for us all to enjoy and develop.

This will come into action by mid May 2021


Changes to entry onto the premises

We will provide a doorbell on the gates of the nursery, as these will be kept locked during these periods. We would also ask you ensure you have our settings telephone number on your mobiles in case this does not work as effectively as we are hoping.

Please can you ensure you provide your child with a coat, sun hat & sun cream and suitable outside shoes

Information sharing with parents 

Reminders of protective measures

Giggles Protective measures and risk assessment is checked and updated regularly

These are found on the nursery website

Can we please ask parents to follow the following requirement


  • Children are continuing to bring ruck sacks:

  • Only use disposable bags for nappies, wipes, food, or spare clothes – No ruck sacks

  • Spare indoor shoes

  • Parents to use the drop box or give to your child to hand to the staff member to ensure social distancing is adhered to

  • Stand on social distancing lines- not near the gate

  • Use the one-way system – even if nobody else is there

  • Only one adult on the premises

  • Lunch time - Pick up by 12.50pm / drop off after 1.05pm to support social distancing

We are always continuing to work as hard as we can to keep everybody safe.

June 2021 action plan / Transition: Ready to school

  • Enhance outside area
  • Free flow play times
  • Extend outside play
  • Staff to complete less paperwork and enjoy deep and meaningful play with child.
  • Deep knowledge of numbers 1-10:
  • Recognising numbers
  • Numbers before and after
  • Counting accurately
  • Understanding the number if something is added or taken away
  • School ready/ being an older child at nursery
  • Recognising my own name 
  • Settle and welcome new children

If your child is unwell 

If your child develops a temperature of 37.6 or above, you need to keep your child at home and the governments advice is to book a full Covid-19 test (not a lateral flow test) .

You will be required to stay at home until you either you receive a negative Covid-19 result which will be required for evidence or you will need to stay at home for 10 days and be clear of any symptoms before returning to nursery.

Thank you for all your continued support in this matter

QR track and Trace system is in place at Giggles 

Please find Giggles Day Nursery QR code at the nursery’s main door. If you have downloaded the government track and trace app you can scan the code to support track and trace.

Buggies and scooters

Please can you take home all buggies, bikes or scooters or they can be left outside the building, but this would be at your own risk.

Many thanks for your support in this matter

Starting school 2021

Can I please request that you tell one of the staff if your child is offered a place at school?

We will need to know the following

  • The name of the school
  • The year group

EYPP money for Spring term 

The setting receives extra funding per term for some children who are eligible for Early Years pupil Premium funding.

We work with parents of those children by sending out a questionnaire and asking for their impute and ideas of things they would like us to spend the money on to enhance their child’s learning experiences. This could be:

Training. Equipment, resources.

We then consider their suggestions and our practitioners’ knowledge to made a decision on how this money is best spent.

Spring 2021 money was spent on the following items 

Other polite reminders

  • Please inform the nursery of any change of address, telephone number, email address, so we can update these details in your child’s personal profile.
  • Please inform the nursery by telephone if your child is absent on the day​. 
  • Can I ask that you hold your child’s hand when leaving the nursery as the carpark is a risk to the children. 
  • Can you provide your child with a pair of slippers/ soft shoes and wellington boots please. 
  • Lastly can I remind all parents with children in nappies could you provide wet wipes and cream as well as nappies please 
  • Can I ask all parents to follow all up to date nursery guidelines to support the government documents to support covid-19
  • Share any concerns, ideas or suggestions to the nursery staff or email the setting as soon as possible

Thank you for your support, please do not hesitate to contact me or any member of our team with any requests or queries. We are always happy to help you.

Nursery closure


  • Closed 6th May Polling station
  • Closed 31st Bank Holiday

Latest news

Please take a look at our nursery website.

There are video story times and monthly activities for your children to enjoy at home

If you need any resources or support whilst at home, please contact the setting.

Message from Irum Syed

Thank you so much to all parents/carers for your continued support.

You are most welcome to ask any thing to me.

Registrations are open for September and If you could support us by telling your family and friends to register their children at Giggles Day Nursery.


Giggles Day Nursery Hounslow

Contact: 0208 5771815

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