Giggles Day Nursery will continue to remain open as long as staffing allows.
Due to the new restrictions we intend to use limited emergency staff cover (agency workers) where possible
· Do not come if unwell
· Please wear a face mask
· Social distance at the nursery door
· Social distance from other parents
Please ensure that all parents follow our requirements when dropping off and picking up your child.
Ensure you social distance from others at all times
You do not come to the nursery if you are unwell or a member of your household are unwell
It is really important that you register your child with a dentist from as early as possible. During these present times, dentists are offering limited appointments.
However, you can support your child by encouraging and supporting them to clean their teeth properly. Also consider how much sugar is in the foods and drinks that you are feeding your child.
If you need any help or support, please talk to one of our team.
Each term we are entitled to a lump sum of money which is allocated to some of the children in our setting. We identify their needs and interests, alongside their key workers.
Please see a list of toys which we purchased this term.
Isleworth Setting
Fire engine play frame for the garden
Hounslow Setting
A pirate ship for the garden
Please can you provide a few photos of you and your immediate family. We are in the process of enhancing our family board and would like every child to have a family photo. It can be distressing to the children if they do not have one. You can email the photo if unable to print it yourself.
EEE (3&4-year funding) & 30hrs funding extra charge towards the costs of meals will start from October 2020. Please can I request that you complete the questionnaire and return it to the nursery as soon as possible. If you are not happy to contribute towards the cost of your child’s meals at the nursery, you will need to continue to provide a healthy packed lunch. This packed lunch will need to be a cold dinner and not anything that needs to be reheated please.
Please contact your employer if you believe you are eligible for Tax free childcare
Please can I request that all parents complete a temperature check permission form.
We will check the children’s temperatures before they enter the nursery daily. If their temperature shows above 37.6, they will not be allowed into the setting. If a child becomes unwell during their session at nursery, we will follow our measures in line with Covid-19.
Giggles Day Nursery takes Covis-19 very seriously and are doing everything possible to ensure that we monitor the current situation and ensure that we are doing everything possible to keep us all safe.
Over the telephone parents’ evenings
Week of 18th & 25th January 2021
Please book a date now
If your child develops a temperature of 37.6 or above, you need to keep your child at home and the governments advice is to book a Covid-19 test.
You will be required to stay at home until you either you receive a negative Covid-19 result which you will be required for evidence or you will need to stay at home for 10 days and be cleared of any symptoms before returning to nursery.
Thank you for all your continued support in this matter
Flu nasal spray vaccine
Please consider supporting the health of your child by getting a flu vaccine this year.
Younger children are given a nasal spray rather than a jab.
Please look up NHS for further details
Please find Giggles Day Nursery QR code at the nurseries main door. If you have downloaded the government track and trace app you can scan the code to support track and trace.
Please can you take home all buggies, bikes or scooters or they can be left outside the building, but this would be at your own risk.
Thank you for your support, please do not hesitate to contact me or any member of our team with any requests or queries. We are always happy to help you.
Please take a look through our website.
There are video story times and monthly activities for your children to enjoy at home