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February Newsletter 2022

Giggles Day Nursery • February 1, 2022

February Newsletter 2022

We would like to wish everyone a very Happy Chinese New Year 2022!

Year of the Tiger

Topics of the month is: Chinese New year 2022 & Weather 

Dragon making

Talking about the weather 

Art work 

Rain catching and lots more, we will carry out lots of fun activities, inside/outside.

Please take time to look at our home learning pack on our nursery webpage. This gives you extra ideas on how you, can support your child’s learning at home.

Dates for parents/carers

Parents evening will now take place at the beginning of February. We apologise for the delay this year but due to staff absences this could not be helped. These will be offered by zoom, over telephone or in person outside the building. We would like to remind all parents that if it is in person, please ensure you do not have any covid-19 symptoms and due to being close to people we do not always mix with we require you to wear a face coving if possible.

If you have any questions regarding this please speak to Shabana or Tanya.

Drop Box

When leaving anything for your child, such as: nappies, spare clothes, food

Please place the items in the drop box or give them to your child to bring into the setting. Please do not hand them directly to the staff members. Staff will also do the same if they have anything which they need to hand over to you when collecting your child. This helps to support social distancing and keeping everybody safe.

Thank you for your support 

Focus Book - The Tiger who came to tea

Protective measure of Covid-19

Children can attend the nursery if they are well, however if they are not themselves or have a raised temperature of 37.6 or above, please follow procedure to ensure this is not covid-19. By taking advice from NHS. Your child should not require Calpol if attending the nursery.

Key person approach:

Your child will have a key person. The Key person is the named practitioner who has responsibilities for the small group of children, to help your child to feel safe and secure and progress in their learning journey. You can get daily feedback, tell us about new things you child can do, be part of the assessment process during parents evening reviews or sending us a email, you can also share any concern related to your child and ideas that you would like us to consider.

Is your child registered with a Dentist?

It is really important that you register your child with a dentist from as early as possible. During these present times, dentists are offering limited appointments.

However, you can support your child by encouraging and supporting them to clean their teeth properly. Also consider how much sugar is in the foods and drinks that you are feeding your child.

If you need any help or support, please talk to one of our team.

We have teeth cleaning reward charts and lots of resources which we can share with your child at nursery or lend if required

Healthy Lunchbox

Giggles day nursery promote Healthy Eating/healthy living in the nursery. Please could you provide healthy snacks/Lunch for your child if required. When it is children’s Birthdays we can not accept Birthday cakes or biscuits, you can provide a fruit basket or book which we can share with your child and their friends.


Please provide water only in your child’s beakers ( bottles only for under 2’s)

Thank you!

Children Attendance

Your child should attend the Nursery on a regular basis. If your child is unwell, please inform the nursery on the first day of absence by telephone.

If children who are receiving funding have consistently low attendance, we will be unable to claim the funding, and therefore you may have to pay for your child’s place or relinquish your place at the nursery. Bank holidays and days absent due to sickness need to be paid in full.

Paying towards the cost of meals

EEE (3&4-year funding) & 30hrs funded £1.50 per day towards the cost of their meals. If you are not happy to contribute towards the cost of your child’s meals at the nursery, you will need to provide a healthy packed lunch. This packed lunch will need to be a cold dinner and not anything that needs to be reheated please.

No Buggies or scooters

Please can you take your child’s buggy home with you after dropping them at nursery. We have recently found that due to the high numbers of buggies outside the building, this is blocking our fire exits and if we needed to exit the building quickly that these are coursing a hazard to the children and staff. 

If your child has a disability or very young and can not walk from your home, please talk to a staff member about a safe place to store your buggy.

Contact us if you have any concerns, ideas or complaints

If you have any concerns, ideas or complaints please contact via email or telephone:


0208 577 1815

Tax free childcare

Please contact your employer if you believe you are eligible for Tax free childcare.

Change of staffing

From half term 2022 Irum will be leaving her post at Giggles Day Nursery.

Taking her place will be Lorraine Norris & Tanya/ Shabana. Tanya & Shabana will be managing the settings in the mornings and Lorraine will take over in the afternoons from Monday 20th February 2022.

Lorraine is one of Giggles day Nurseries Owners and has worked as a Nursery Manager for the past 5 years. Many of you have already met Lorraine as she works within the setting on a Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday afternoon. I also work at one of the local catholic schools as a TA in reception.

Information sharing with parents 

Reminders of protective measures

Giggles Protective measures and risk assessment is checked and updated regularly

These are found on the nursery website.

Can we please ask parents to follow the following requirement?


Children are continuing to bring ruck sacks: - Only use disposable bags for nappies, wipes, food, or spare clothes – No ruck sacks

  • Spare indoor shoes
  • Parents to use the drop box or give to your child to hand to the staff member to ensure social distancing is adhered to
  • Stand on social distancing lines- not near the gate
  • Use the one-way system – even if nobody else is there
  • Only one adult on the premises

We are always continuing to work as hard as we can to keep everybody safe.

Reminder when picking up and dropping off at Nursery

  • Do not come if unwell
  • Do not come if isolating
  • Please wear a face mask
  • Social distance at the nursery door
  • Social distance from other parents
  • Please don't be close to each other when using the park area
  • Only one adult to pick up your child
  • Please use the Drop box when leaving or picking up things for your child
  • Drop off times are between 9am and 9:15am for the morning session. Drop off times for the afternoon are from 1pm until 1:15pm.
  • Please ensure you collect your child on time as there will be a late fee of £10 per every part 15 minutes

Please can we remind all parents to keep their child close to them when entering the church driveway as this is a car park and can be busy at times.

QR track and Trace system is in place at Giggles

Please find Giggles Day Nursery QR code at the nursery’s main door. If you have downloaded the government track and trace app you can scan the code to support track and trace.

Other polite reminders

  • Please inform the nursery of any change of address, telephone number, email address, so we can update these details in your child’s personal profile.
  • Please inform the nursery by telephone if your child is absent on the day​. 
  • Can I ask that you hold your child’s hand when leaving the nursery as the carpark is a risk to the children. 
  • Can you provide your child with a pair of slippers/ soft shoes and wellington boots please. 
  • Lastly can I remind all parents with children in nappies, could you provide wet wipes and cream as well as nappies please
  • Can I ask all parents to follow all up to date nursery guidelines to support the government documents to support covid-19
  • Share any concerns, ideas or suggestions to the nursery staff or email the setting as soon as possible 

Thank you for your support, please do not hesitate to contact me or any member of our team with any requests or queries. We are always happy to help you.

Message from The Giggles Team 

Thank you so much to all parents/carers for your continuous support.

We wish you a happy Chinese New Year 2022

Giggles Day Nursery Hounslow

Contact: 0208 5771815

Many thanks from the Giggles team 

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